Leveraging Belief to Make Real Change Possible

As a therapist and clinical counselor I am always listening to what people say. I have learned that what people say can provide clues about what they believe about themselves, others, and life in general. That’s because beliefs play a fundamental role in shaping every aspect of our life. They serve as the foundation for who […]

10 Reasons to Rethink “Mental Illness” As We Know It

The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) is a classification system used throughout mental health to standardize the way mental disorders are defined and categorized. Although the DSM provides those of us working in the field with a language that makes treating our patients much easier, there are many valid arguments against the […]

How Slow Walkers Changed My Entire Life by Mackenna Minehan

Even before I moved to New York, my family and friends knew me as the fast walker. My mom was diagnosed with speed walking syndrome as well, so one could argue I got it from her. I almost ordered us “I can’t wait for natural selection to take out the slow walkers” t-shirts for mother’s […]

Concerns in scientific studies

A recent article published on Sciencedaily.com (Science Daily) presents the findings of a scientific study conducted by the Faculty of Science at the University of Copenhagen, Denmark. The study found that patients with type 2 diabetes can improve their ability to regulate blood sugar by adopting “a diet with a reduced carbohydrate content and an increased share […]

8 Ways to Easily Change Your Life With a Morning Ritual

I Just Woke Up, Now What? Learning to build a morning discipline into your daily routine just might be the fastest way to improve performance in any area of your life! Most people have grabbed their cell phones to check email, texts, social media, or news feeds before they’ve even rouse out of bed in […]

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