Our Team Alex Warren




37 West 26th St, Suite 400 New York 10010
At a young age, I realized I had a knack for understanding and connecting with people. Over-time, I honed my craft of listening to people and helping them find clarity and ultimately effect change in their lives.
Soon after earning a degree in Psychology from Dickinson College, I served as a case manager at a community-based guardianship service. During my time there, I helped clients bring their lives from a state of disorder and unmanageability to a state of harmony and productivity. Several years later, I worked on a research project which explored the efficacy of various methods of intervention on individuals who struggled with substance abuse and mental illness. After the completion and overwhelming success of the study, I went on to graduate school at Hunter College, where I am currently in the final phases of completing my degree in Clinical Mental Health Counseling.
I can say with confidence that beyond any of the traditional didactic learning I have encountered, nothing has been more valuable to my development as a clinician than the relationships I have built with the various clients I have worked with over the years. Not only has this molded me as a professional, it has also helped me through the many personal struggles I have faced in my life. I have discovered that no matter how implausible it may seem at the time, change is always possible if your mind is open.


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