Customized Programming

Outpatient Alternative: A New Approach to Mental Health that Works
Our outpatient program is designed to help those with mental health symptoms that have prevented them from having the lives they want and deserve.
After spending a combined 30 years working in treatment our founders discovered that the most effective and efficient way to treat symptoms of mental illness is by using an integrated mind and body approach.
With a team of top-notch senior level clinicians and health and wellness experts across a wide range of disciplines, we use our knowledge of how the mind and body work together to facilitate healing, growth, success, and long-term change for our clients.

Personalized and Integrated
Each client’s program is specifically tailored to their learning style, strengths, goals, and interests.
MYND MVMT’s program is built to put an end to the need for multiple treatment episodes and is designed to create changes in the mind and body that are integrated into the daily life you desire. Our integrated model expedites the process of change and gives clients the opportunity to return to life with a much greater likelihood of success.
How Change Happens
Recovery from all mental health conditions comes down to new learning. This means building new wiring in the brain by way of consistently thinking, feeling, and behaving differently. Much like riding a bike or learning a new language, over time this conscious effort turns into new positive ways of reacting to the world around you. This is how change happens!
If we were going to heal a broken bone, or lose 20 lbs., we would expect it to take time. Making changes to brain cells and to brain activity are no different than making changes to the rest of the cells of the body. This means that in time and with consistent effort change is assured.
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Why Psychotherapy & Medication May Not Be Enough
These days most mental health treatment programs have been standardized. Although this approach can work for some, we have found there is a large percentage who are not well served by the prescribed model. Simply put, a one size fits all approach does not work for everyone! In fact, traditional models of treatment often fail to address several important aspects of the recovery process, including what may be the most critical of all, how to successfully return to a “normal”, healthy, and happy life.

The most central component in all that we do. After nearlt two decades of experience working in mental health and substance abuse, it became overwhelmingly clear that an understanding of how the mind and body work together to create our experience is an essential resource that can expedite the process of healing and recovery.
The human mind and body system is predictable. Using biopsychology, also called behavioral neuroscience, clients can leverage how this system works to create the outcomes they need and want most, and in much less time than with more traditional modalities.

Cognitive Behavior Techniques
Our fundamental objective is to support clients in changing unhelpful patterns of thought and behavior. Our team of experienced clinicians spent months in training learning strategic interventions that work to change unhelpful negative cognitions. In fact each member of our team is asked to utilize these tools themselves first to better support clients in their ability to do so too.
Built into every part of working witn Mynd Mvmt, clients are encouraged to use changes in focus, and bahavior to train new positive habits of mind and body. The end result is a fundamental change in how our clients react to the world around them. Said differently, Mynd Mvmt specializes in creating new neurological patterns that stand up under stress and over time.
At Mynd Mvmt we have developed our own brand of mindfulness teachings that we use as a tool to make mindfulness easier for clients to understand and integrate into their lives. We refer to these as “The 3 A’s of Mindfulness”, Awareness, Alignment & Allowing. The 3 A’s are practically applicable to those working through mental health challenges or anyone wanting to improve their lives in some way.
Developing a mindfulness practice has been proven to facilitate health & wellness in every area of our lives. Mindfulness improves mood and performance, enhances mental acquity, improves overall health, helps to eliminate stress and reduce unhelpful cravings.

Motivation and Change
Mynd Mvmt knows that motivation is the key element in any health, healing and success journey. Too many of us are so afraid to fail, to want something and not get it, that rather tthen adtmit what it is we truly want, we settle for what we think is guaranteed, more certain. The problem with that is by not setting our sites on what we want, we almost ensure that it won’t happen and eventually we are left looking back with regret as we realize we should have done thongs diffrently.
From our first consultation and through every moment spent with the client, the Mynd Mvmt looks to access our client;s motivation and use our lnowledge and skills to keep them “in the game”, motivated, even when they start to struggle.
Kinsethetic & Multimodial Learning:
Mindful Movement
At Mynd Mvmt we see change of any kind as the result of new wiring in the brain. The new wiring is what we commonly refer to as learning. Learning is the byproduct of taking in information from the outside world through our sensory systems. Each of us, however has a unique and different way of doing that. These are called our learning preferences of learning styles. For example, someone who loves to listen to listen to music while following along with the words might learn best through their auditory and visual systems. Conversely, others who struggle with sitting in a clasroom but who excel at things like athletics, playing music, or are adapt with technology may be kinesthetic, or multimodal leaders.

Cognitive Behavior Techniques
Our fundamental objective is to support clients in changing unhelpful patterns of thought and behavior. Our team of experienced clinicians spent months in training learning strategic interventions that work to change unhelpful negative cognitions. In fact each member of our team is asked to utilize these tools themselves first to better support clients in their ability to do so too.
Built into every part of working witn Mynd Mvmt, clients are encouraged to use changes in focus, and bahavior to train new positive habits of mind and body. The end result is a fundamental change in how our clients react to the world around them. Said differently, Mynd Mvmt specializes in creating new neurological patterns that stand up under stress and over time.

Targeted Approach
At Mynd Mvmt, we often use the analogy of the brain being similar to a GPS system. With a GPS you type in your desired destination and the system calculates a way to get you to it. If we however don’t type anything or we give it some vague instructions like, “take me to a bigger house”, or to a “better place than this”, the GPS would obviously not know where to take us and we wouldn’t get anywhere. It turns out that the brain works ina very similar way.
When we get very specific and clear about what our goals and target objectives are, our brain goes to work to try and carve out a path for us to move in that direction. If we, however, don’t admit what we want, do not give our attention to our objectives, whether we are taking about daily, weekly, monthly or long term goals, it is that much more difficult for our subconscious to move us in that direction.
Awareness & Ownership
Awareness, seeing the truth, is the first step in moving ahead in all aspects of our lives. If we don’t clearly and correctly identify what the problem is, then every “solution” we attempt to use to remedy the problem is bound to fail.
At Mynd Mvmt we realize that there is a profound level of ignorance that our culture unknowingly struggles with. If you don’t understand the problem correctly, then you can do a lot more harm than good with the very best of intentions. We help our lients to see their part in creating what they do not want, so that they can begin to take steps to create things the way that they do.

Among the greatest difficulties we face as we embark on a behavior change is the ability to hold on to the change as we encounter more stressful and challenging circumstances. Every decision our team makes is designed with this in mind.
It’s for this reason that integration, embodying the change as the “new normal”, is a critical part of what we do. Our team works hard to remain as a one unit, unified in our approach and aligned in our language, objectives and strategy. This helps to support our clients in their ability to maintain the recent changes in thoughts and behavior and to make the new learning permanent.
Our Techniques and
Processes in Action
Customized one-on-one mental health & wellness services

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.
Who We Help
We specialize in working with adults, 18+ who want to overcome the following challenges:
- Mild to severe anxiety
- Depression
- Trauma
- Substance use & abuse
- Paranoia
- Personality issues
- Executive function challenges (ADHD, autism spectrum learning challenges etc.)
- Bi-polar and schizoaffective disorder
Each and every client is treated as an individual and plans are designed specifically for each client’s specific needs.
Not sue if we are the right intervention for what you need? You’re welcome to speak with one of our experts to find out!